The Purpose of the Juvenile Justice Continuum for the Torrance County/Estancia Valley community is to develop, implement, and evaluate a continuum of services and sanctions, including temporary, non-secure alternatives to detention, for juveniles arrested or referred to Juvenile Parole and Probation or at risk of such referral.
Estancia Valley Youth & Family Council
PO Box 48
205 S Ninth Street
Estancia, NM 87016
Monday - Thursday 7:30am to 5:30pm MST
Rebecca Armstrong
Juvenile Justice
Continuum Coordinator
Torrance County
Senaida Anaya
Grants Assistant
(505) 544-4311
Teen Court
300 S. Eight Street
Estancia, NM 87016
Monday - Thursday 7:30am to 5:30pm MST
Adrian Ortiz
Torrance County
Teen Court Coordinator
O: (505) 544-4771
C: (505) 288-9208